Athoscailt na Scoile: Aibreán 2021 / School Reopening: April 2021


A Chairde,

Tá súil agam go bhfuil sibh go maith. Mar is eol daoibh, beidh bliain 1,2,3 agus 4 ag filleadh ar an scoil ar an 12 Aibreán. Táimid ag tnúth go mór le na daltaí a bheith ar ais linn sa scoil agus gur féidir linn téarma maith a dhéanamh le chéile anseo I gColáiste na Coiribe.

Plean don Luan 12 Aibreán: (Leagan Gaeilge)
- Fáilte a chur roimh na daltaí agus iad ag filleadh ar an scoil don chéad uair le fada. Béim a chur ar na daltaí a chur ar a gcompórd agus seans a thabhairt dóibh dul i dtaithí ar an ngnáthlá scoile.
- Déan cinnte go bhfuil masc ag an dalta agus iad ag teacht ar scoil. Meabhraigh dóibh go gcaithfidh siad na mascanna a chaitheamh ar na busanna.
- Caithfidh said na mascanna a chaitheamh i gceart i rith an lae
- Nuair a thagann siad ar scoil, úsáideann siad an doras éalaithe céanna, staighre céanna agus caithfidh siad dul díreach chuig an seomra ranga a bhí acu roimh an Nollaig.
-Le bhur dtoil, léigh an dearbhú thíos agus sínigh ainm an scoláire má tá siad ag filleadh ar an scoil. Caithfidh gach tuismitheoir/caomhnóir nó dalta (thar 18) an dearbhú seo a léamh agus ainm an scolaire a scríobh sa bhosca thíos.

Tá litir uaimse maidir leis an athoscailt ar an 1 Márta ar fáil anseo.

Tá uasdátú déanta againn ar ár bPlean Covid-19. Tá sé ar fáil anseo agus anseo (aguisín).

Tá litir ón Aire Norma Foley maidir le athoscailt na scoile ar fáil anseo.

Tá litir ón Leas-Phríomhoifigeach Míochaine, Dr Ronan Glynn maidir le athoscailt na scoile ar fáil anseo.

Roinnt Eochairphoinntí:
1. Caithfidh gach tuismitheoir nó dalta (thar 18) an fhoirm Dearbhaithe Tuismitheora um Fhilleadh ar an Scoil anseo a líonadh isteach roimh filleadh ar an scoil.

2. Ta sé tabhachtach go ndéanann tuismitheoirí/caomhnóirí an cinneadh ceart nuair atá tinneas ar bith ag dalta agus gan iad a sheoladh ar scoil.

3. Comhairle ar bhaill foirne agus ar dhaltaí gan filleadh ná gan freastal ar scoil i gcás na nithe seo a leanas:

  • má tá siad aitheanta ag FSS mar ghartheagmhálaí de chás deimhnithe de
  • má tá cónaí orthu le duine a bhfuil siomptóim den víreas aige/aici
  • má thaistil siad lasmuigh d’Éirinn; ina leithéid cásanna moltar do bhaill foirne
    féachaint ar an gcomhairle is déanaí ón Rialtas maidir le taisteal thar lear
    agus í a leanúint.
  • Cuir comhairle ar bhaill foirne agus ar dhaltaí comhoibriú a dhéanamh le
    haon oifigigh sláinte poiblí agus leis an scoil chun críche rianaithe
    teagmhálacha agus aon chomhairle sláinte poiblí a leanúint sa chás go
    bhfuil cás nó ráig sa scoil

4. Tá uasdátú déanta ag an rialtas ar an suíomh le eolas nua do thuismitheoirí agus daltaí agus iad ag filleadh ar an scoil

5. Tá físeanna do thuismitheoirí/caomhnóirí chun tacú le daltaí ag filleadh ar an scoil ar fáil anseo agus anseo.

6. Ta eolas ar fáil anseo maidir lena siomptóim choróinvirís agus conas do phaiste a chosaint ón víris.

7. Tá fáil ar an gcur i láthair a rinneadh le na daltaí ag na tionóil maidir le hathoscailt na scoile.

Má tá ceist ar bith agat, seol ríomhphost chugam ag

Le meas
Eoghan Ó Ceallaigh

Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends,

As you are aware, all students will be returning to school this Monday, 12th April. We very much look forward to having all students back in the school and we hope to complete a productive term of work between now and the end of the term.

Plan for Monday 12th April: (English Version)
- Our focus on Monday is on welcoming our students back to school and getting them back into
safe and responsible routines.
- Please make sure your son/daughter arrives, wearing a face mask. Please remind them that they must wear masks on buses.
- Please also remind them that masks must be worn at all times during the school day.
- Once in the school, please emphasise to your son/daughter to go directly to their designated room.
-Please read the following declaration and type student name if returning to school. Every parent or student (over 18) must read this declaration and type their name in the box below to ensure a safe return to school. Please err on the side of caution if your child shows any possible signs of Covid-19 - keep them at home, then seek & follow medical advice.

We have updated our Covid-19 Response Plan. It is available here and here.

A letter from the principal regarding the reopening of the school is available here.

A letter from the Minister of Education, Norma Foley to all parents/guardians is available here.

A letter from the Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Ronan Glynn to all parents/guardians is available here.

Some Key Points:
1. Every parent or student (over 18) must sign the Return to Educational Facility Parental Declaration Form attached here.

2. Please err on the side of caution if your child shows any possible signs of Covid-19 - keep them at home, then seek & follow medical advice.

3. Staff and pupils not to return to or attend school in the event of the following:

  • if they are identified by the HSE as a close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19
  • if they live with someone who has symptoms of the virus
  • If they have travelled outside of Ireland; in such instances staff are advised to consult and follow latest Government advice in relation to foreign travel.
  • staff and pupils to cooperate with any public health officials and the school for contact tracing purposes and follow any public health advice in the event of a case or outbreak in the school;

4.The government have updated the website with further information for parents and students.

5. Videos are available here and here for parents to support and advice parents on how best to support students returning to school.

6. Information is available here regarding Covid-19 symptoms and protecting students from the virus.

7. Please find attached here powerpoint presentations used at different assemblies regarding the re-opening of the school

  • 6th Year Assembly Powerpoint is available here.
  • 3rd Year Assembly Powerpoint is available here.
  • 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th Year Assembly Powerpoint is available here.

If you have any questions, please send me an email at


Eoghan Ó Ceallaigh

Feabh 10
Measúnú seachtain 20 / 20 Week Assessments
Feabh 17
Briseadh Lár-Théarma / Midterm Break
Már 17
Lá 'le Pádraig - Scoil Dúnta / St. Patrick's Day- School Closed
Aib 14
Saoire na Cásca / Easter Holidays
Bóthar Bhaile an mBúrcách, Cnoc na Cathrach, Gaillimh, H91 RC97
091 592 000
Déan Teagmháil linn
Suíomh na Scoile Anseo
© 2025 Coláiste na Coiribe