Oíche Eolais Bl.4 / Information Session for Parents of TY (4th Yr.) Students

05-Meán Fómhair-24

A Thuismitheoirí, A Chaomhnóirí, A Dhaltaí agus a Chairde,

• Mar eolas daoibh, beidh oíche eolais againn ar líne anocht, Déardaoin, 12 Méan Fómhair ag 19.00 (ar líne). Beidh taifead á dhéanamh againn ar an seisiún eolais agus beidh sé ar fáil ar shuíomh na scoile i ndiaidh an seisiún eolais ag www.colaistenacoiribe.ie

• Seisiún ghearr a bheidh ann chun plean na bliana a roinnt libh agus na h-ionchais atá againn do na daltaí san Idirbhliain.

Nasc anseo leis an Oíche Eolais - céimeanna chun logáil isteach ar fáil thíos. Cliceáil naseo nó caithfidh tú an nasc seo a chóipeáil isteach sa brabhsálaí ' Chrome'


Ag tnúth le buaileadh libh (ar líne) ar an Déardaoin

Le meas,

Ciarán Ó Collaráin, Comhordaitheoir Chláir na hIdirbhliana

Lorcán Ó Callaráin, Ceannaire Bliana -Bl.4

Eoghan Ó Ceallaigh, Príomhoide Choláiste na Coiribe

Reminder: Information Session about TY this Thursday (12th) at 7pm online.

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students and Friends,

For your information, we will be holding an information session this, Thursday, the 12th of September at 19.00 for parents/guardians of our current TY students. I have attached a link with this email. In the event of being unable to attend the online session, a recording will be made available on the school website – www.colaistenacoiribe.ie

This will be a short session to make sure you are aware what is planned and expected of our TY students this year.

Link here for this Information Evening: Click on link below or copy this link into your internet browser - Chrome if possible


See you soon online at our information evening on Thursday, 12th of September at 19.00 online.

Le meas,

Ciarán Ó Callaráin, Transition Year Coordinator

Gearóidín Ní Chualáin, Transition Year Yearhead

Eoghan Ó Ceallaigh, Príomhoide Choláiste na Coiribe

Steps to log-on to Microsoft Teams to access the Information Evening are available below.

Steps to log-in to Teams:

1. Log in with Google Chrome if possible

2. Once you click the link to attend, your web browser should automatically open, and you will be prompted to use the Teams app or your Web browser:

3. If you have the Teams desktop application installed, clicking the link will launch TEAMS.

4. If you don’t have the Teams app, you can join the meeting from the web and choose to “Join anonymously”

Feabh 10
Measúnú seachtain 20 / 20 Week Assessments
Feabh 17
Briseadh Lár-Théarma / Midterm Break
Már 17
Lá 'le Pádraig - Scoil Dúnta / St. Patrick's Day- School Closed
Aib 14
Saoire na Cásca / Easter Holidays
Bóthar Bhaile an mBúrcách, Cnoc na Cathrach, Gaillimh, H91 RC97
091 592 000
Déan Teagmháil linn
Suíomh na Scoile Anseo
© 2025 Coláiste na Coiribe